Monday, 28 May 2007

Sock rage

Finally a knitting post! But it is an angry knitting post!!

My favourite thing to knit is socks - I love them. They are quick, easy & really portable so I can take them wherever I want. In my eyes socks are the perfect knitting project.

So, when I started this pair of socks I thought it may be a small challenge but I'd be okay. How wrong could I be!

Firstly, I couldn't read the pattern & neither could anyone at my knitting group, then I didn't bother swatching as this was my 5th pair of socks & IO knew my size & had to rip back 3.5 inches of knitting as I couldn't get the sock over my ankle.
I managed the wavey edge cast on & a new type of heel - check out the photos.

Next I had to work out how to pick up the pattern again after the heel, I picked it up, ripped it back, picked it up, ripped it back, put it down, phoned a friend, took it to knitting club! And finally decided to just pick up however I liked & hoped for the best.
The good news is that I'm halfway down the foot now but I'm not convinced about the pattern, when I've finished, I'll post some more pics.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Reverend and the Makers


The gig was great - I thought these were better than the Klaxons even though the venue is pretty ropey.

Watch out for these - I think they'll gonna be big.

PS Photos on their way, Brownies honour.

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Out on a school night

This week is a busy one - we went to see the Klaxons yesterday night and they rocked! They were more punky than I thought they would be as they're being hyped as nu-rave but I had a good time.

Although for the first time ever I was soaked by a flying drink - if you can imagine a cartoon of someone having a bucket of water dropped on them - that's what happened. One minute I was standing there, minding my own business, the band came on and then whoosh, soaked wet through!. A lovely young man gave me his sweat band to help dry off the water, which was very sweet but I was dripping wet for the entire gig.

Then tomorrow is knitting night - this is us! And then we're going to see Reverend and the Makers on the same night - great!!

I'll let you know how it all goes, with pictures, later in the week

Sunday, 6 May 2007

Phew, at last

Well, I've finally got round to creating my own blog.

I've been thinking about it for about, erm, 18 months. I think quite slowly sometimes - it took my 3 years to decide what tattoo to get.

I'm not really sure why I've created a blog, it's not like my life is super crammed with exciting things but I thought I'd give it a go.

So, let's see what happens...