Monday, 31 December 2007

End of the year

Well, that's it, almost another year over & done with - I wonder where the time goes as it doesn't seem like a year could have gone by so quickly?!

I thought I'd finish by showing you what's on my needles & I'm hoping to have finished fairly soon.

The purple item is a Rowan pattern - Nell by Martin Storey, it was a free pattern with Simply Knitting. However, progress on that is at a standstill as I broke my needle, well, I broke the joining cable of my circ, which is pretty disastrous!! And actually, the picture with the broken needle shows the colour a bit better - it's in between both those pictures, a very dark purple.

Then there's my Pomatomus' which are looking pretty good even if I say so myself. I thought they would be harder than they are as the pattern is charted & I've never knitted from a chart before but it seems to be going okay. I only cast them on 2 days ago so I'm pleased with them - the pattern & yarn.

The only thing left to say now is Happy New Year & here's to 2008!!

Thursday, 27 December 2007

I am Legend

I've had a lovely Christmas which I spent with my husband & cats, eating & sleeping. And on Boxing Day we visited our friends & enjoyed a great day with them & today to round things off nicely, we went to the cinema to see I Am Legend.

I enjoyed the film, it was creepy, not enough of the monsters though & yeah, it had a Hollywood ending but by goodness, the book is bleak & depressing, so I liked the change at the end of the film. Here's the game from the site. I think it's quite hard as the time limit is pretty challenging but give it a go & see what you think.

And I finally saw the trailer for Cloverfield at last!! I am so excited about that - I could barely contain myself!!

Monday, 24 December 2007

Christmas Wishes

Ta da - this is what I was cooking yesterday, a delicious Christmas ham. I am really pleased with it & it tastes as good as it looks! I would even go as far as to say it's my best one yet!

As it's Christmas Eve at last, Happy Christmas to everyone & a very peaceful 2008, I hope it brings you what you want. And for anyone who is still knitting, this is for you!

Even The Reindeer Are Knitting!

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the land
Every knitter was knitting, quite fast, with both hands.
New socks off the needles hung chimney-side there,
In hopes that they'd dry—just soon enough to wear.
The kitties snuggled purring in warm woolly afghans,
That square by square grew from bits, bobs, and yarn-ends.
And Hubby in his hoodie, and I in knit cap,
Sat desperately knitting, half-done gifts in each lap.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
That our pointy sticks poked!
And THAT stopped all our chatter.
To the window we flew as though yarn were on sale
And pulled back the drapes, the view to unveil.
The moon on the gusset of our newly-knit socks
Revealed no holes that anyone might mock;
Just a miniature sleigh, not knitted at all,
And eight tiny reindeer—they were really quite small!
There was a little old knitter, casting on stitches so quick,
That I knew in a moment it must be Saint Nick.
(Not my husband, my Nick, though he's a nice dude—
'Twas the REAL St. Knitster, all jolly attitude!)
Each reindeer had yarn and needles a-clicking;
Each was knitting and knitting—because the clock was still ticking!
They'd come here to help, with gift knitting gone wild—
To help with our knitting!—and so we both smiled.
More rapid than lace knitters those coursers they knit;
And The Knitster shouted names that had changed just a bit:
"Now, Cashmere! Now, Cotton!
Now, Llama and Linen!
On Quiviut! On Lambswool!
On, Mohair and Rayon!
To the end of the row! To the last stitch of them all!
Now bind off and cast off and then proudly stand tall!"
The Jolly One stood surveying his team,
As they grafted and backstitched to sew up each seam.
Each piece blocked by magic, and dried in a wink,
And soon every reindeer (each smiling, I think)
Had sweaters and scarves and warm mittens piled high—
And stockings, of course! All were laid nigh.
The knitting was done! Not a stitch out of place!
And St. Knitster looked on, a wide grin on his face.
Then laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!
Then we heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight:
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"
Sandi Wiseheart - Knitting Daily

Sunday, 23 December 2007

Christmas Spirit

I'm getting in to the Christmas spirit & am going to start cooking Christmassy food in a minute but before I do, I wanted to show you all our Xmas decorations which we've bought from various holidays. I think they're a fab way to remember where you've been.

By the way, Portishead were fab & the new tracks sound pretty good, which is unusual for the first hearing but my goodness, the support band was terrible! I know most bands start off as support for someone & we've seen The Feeling & Razorlight as support but Team Brick was bad & it just reminded us of why we try to miss the support act!!

Friday, 21 December 2007

Early Christmas Present

Way back in the summer, I asked my husband if he'd buy me a tattoo for Christmas & I must have asked him whilst he was having a funny five minutes because he actually said Yes!! So, I've waited & waited until yesterday & I went to have my new tattoo. And here's the photos of before & after, with a close up!!

My goodness, it hurt loads & it was only the tattooist, Kamil, being very quick that stopped me fainting!! I'm really pleased with it & can't wait to show it off this summer - look out Bristol!

Saturday, 15 December 2007

Glory Box

Woohoo - I'm very excited!! I managed to get tickets to see Portishead tonight in Bristol!! The gig was announced last Friday whilst we were rushing off to my sister in law's wedding & promptly 'sold out' within minutes.

After agonising over whether to pay a stupid amount for tickets on Ebay, I decided to call the venue & check for returns, which they don't do BUT the lovely man who answered the phone said very cryptically "Call this number, they may have tickets, they may not" I'll called & lo & behold they had tickets at face value!! Yippee!! So, my words of wisdom for anyone who thinks a gig is sold out are always ring the venue & check because there's always hope.

Whilst I was looking at Ebay yesterday I found 10 reasons this blogger loves to knit socks - I would have to add that buying yarn for socks is relatively cheap & so pick me up for under £10!!

Monday, 10 December 2007

Post wedding blues

It's been a perfect weekend - my sister in law got married on Saturday & it was wonderful - pics to follow.

But in recovering today, I found this & it made me giggle!!

Sunday, 2 December 2007

Rocking around the Christmas Tree

It's been a vile weekend weather-wise but I just don't care as Christmas has arrived in our house.

We went to see Mamma Mia last night & it was absolutely brilliant. It's a real feel good show with songs everyone knows the words to. Admittedly, the story has to stretch a little bit to fit those songs but who cares - the winner takes it all!

Then today we put our Christmas tree & decorations up then settled in to watch It's a Wonderful Life!