Ta da - this is what I was cooking yesterday, a delicious Christmas ham. I am really pleased with it & it tastes as good as it looks! I would even go as far as to say it's my best one yet!

As it's Christmas Eve at last, Happy Christmas to everyone & a very peaceful 2008, I hope it brings you what you want. And for anyone who is still knitting, this is for you!
Even The Reindeer Are Knitting!
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the land
Every knitter was knitting, quite fast, with both hands.
New socks off the needles hung chimney-side there,
In hopes that they'd dry—just soon enough to wear.
The kitties snuggled purring in warm woolly afghans,
That square by square grew from bits, bobs, and yarn-ends.
And Hubby in his hoodie, and I in knit cap,
Sat desperately knitting, half-done gifts in each lap.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
That our pointy sticks poked!
And THAT stopped all our chatter.
To the window we flew as though yarn were on sale
And pulled back the drapes, the view to unveil.
The moon on the gusset of our newly-knit socks
Revealed no holes that anyone might mock;
Just a miniature sleigh, not knitted at all,
And eight tiny reindeer—they were really quite small!
There was a little old knitter, casting on stitches so quick,
That I knew in a moment it must be Saint Nick.
(Not my husband, my Nick, though he's a nice dude—
'Twas the REAL St. Knitster, all jolly attitude!)
Each reindeer had yarn and needles a-clicking;
Each was knitting and knitting—because the clock was still ticking!
They'd come here to help, with gift knitting gone wild—
To help with our knitting!—and so we both smiled.
More rapid than lace knitters those coursers they knit;
And The Knitster shouted names that had changed just a bit:
"Now, Cashmere! Now, Cotton!
Now, Llama and Linen!
On Quiviut! On Lambswool!
On, Mohair and Rayon!
To the end of the row! To the last stitch of them all!
Now bind off and cast off and then proudly stand tall!"
The Jolly One stood surveying his team,
As they grafted and backstitched to sew up each seam.
Each piece blocked by magic, and dried in a wink,
And soon every reindeer (each smiling, I think)
Had sweaters and scarves and warm mittens piled high—
And stockings, of course! All were laid nigh.
The knitting was done! Not a stitch out of place!
And St. Knitster looked on, a wide grin on his face.
Then laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!
Then we heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight:
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"