I love the North Bristol Art Trail for a number of reasons, not least because I get to squiz* at other peoples' home.
So I joined in today, traipsing round the badlands of Bishopston, checking out the (mostly) over priced 'arts' & generally having a good luck at the houses that were open. And then I found this, which just took my breath away.
Obviously, I want to see other crafters getting on & making money from whatever it is that they do but come on!! This is just taking the piss! The yarn this person was talking about was cheap shit, pound shop yarn which feels lovely the first time you touch it but after about 10 seconds goes all yucky - argh, it annoyed me so much I had to go home!!
I did find some things that I loved - these bracelets, this jewellery, this jewellery and these prints & there's my wish list for the coming year.
*squiz - to look around in a very nosey fashion
i love love love those bracelets.
they are sooo pretty & she does workshops were you can make your own unique bracelet!
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