Friday, 30 November 2007
Light at the end of the tunnel
I made it & remembered to blog every day for a whole month. I enjoyed it in an odd kind of way because I could just blog about anything & let's be honest, I have!
And because I've been knitting Christmas socks for ages, I haven't really blogged about knitting or pop, as I haven't been to any gigs for a while & I'm guessing that The Snow Queen & 42nd Street don't quite cut it.
I hope that I'll carry on blogging on a fairly regular basis although I think I'll try for a bit more knitting content or a bit more pop.
See you in December!!
Thursday, 29 November 2007
News from a friend
I don't think I can really write much today as I am a bit freaked out by it.
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
I just don't believe it!
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
close shave
Back to bed then - see you tomorrow
Monday, 26 November 2007
The trails for this started back in the summer, with the first trailer being shown in the US after The Transformers & the Unfiction forums went mental, with hundreds of posts appearing hour after hour & this first trailer being ripped to pieces & every little detail being analysed a thousand ways.
They were right - the film is called Cloverfield & it's looking good & creepy but we've got to wait until Feb 2008 & it's out on the 18th Jan in the US, so it's a fair bet that we'll know all about it by the 20th.
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Arts and Crafts
I love the North Bristol Art Trail for a number of reasons, not least because I get to squiz* at other peoples' home.
So I joined in today, traipsing round the badlands of Bishopston, checking out the (mostly) over priced 'arts' & generally having a good luck at the houses that were open. And then I found this, which just took my breath away.
Obviously, I want to see other crafters getting on & making money from whatever it is that they do but come on!! This is just taking the piss! The yarn this person was talking about was cheap shit, pound shop yarn which feels lovely the first time you touch it but after about 10 seconds goes all yucky - argh, it annoyed me so much I had to go home!!
I did find some things that I loved - these bracelets, this jewellery, this jewellery and these prints & there's my wish list for the coming year.
*squiz - to look around in a very nosey fashion
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Quick blog post

What kind of knitting needles are you?

You are plastic.Futuristic, milky, and silky, you are willing to go where no crafter has gone before. You can do just about anything, with strength agility, and pretty colors to boot! While you are good at slipping and sliding out of sticky situations, remember to stay where and when you are needed. Don't overdo it on star gazing when there's earthbound knitting to be done!
Take this quiz!

Make A Quiz More Quizzes Grab Code
Friday, 23 November 2007
New project
I've put a picture of with & without the flash as I think the flash picture (right) shows the colour best & the non-flash shows the cables.
I cast on last night & it's going fairly quickly - I've made a bit of a mistake on the last cable as I was paying too much attention to the Mighty Boosh!! Fatal!!Thursday, 22 November 2007
Crikey, kitties!
Check this out - yep, I entered my 2 kitties in to Crazy Aunt Purl's cat sweater competition & even though we didn't win, we got a special grumpy cat mention. Go grumpy Millie!
Back to last night & we had a blast at Knit Chicks. We had our photos taken for the Short Encounter Festival, not that we had anything to do with it but we were there knitting as usual. Rain showed off her tattoos - you'll have to ask her about those. We were nearly joined by a gentleman who's table we took over but we couldn't quite convince him that we didn't bite. And I finally finished my one Christmas knit present, which is such a relief as it seems like I've been knitting it forever!!
So, here they are Cable Rib socks from 25 Favorite Designs by Interweave, knitted in Opal sock yarn.
I'm really pleased with them even though the cables are slightly different over the heels because I forgot to do one set of them. It was a enjoyable & easy pattern to knit which I think would suit both men & women.
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Any dream will do
We had Craig as Joseph, Keith as the Narrator & Chris B as a brother (I can't remember which one) - Craig & Chris were good but Keith was brilliant! He was so much better than he was on TV, he held the stage & was fab. In fact, Keith reminds me of John Barrowman.
Everyone there seemed to enjoy it, the lady sitting next to me was rocking! She knew all the words, sang along, did the hand movements, everything - if you happen to be reading this, you know who you are!
Go & see it if you get the chance! And watch out for all of these as I think they'll all go on & on in musical theatre.
Monday, 19 November 2007
Deep breaths
Anyway, normal transmission today - check out the Cute - feeling stressed, angry, grumpy or generally hacked off with everyone in the world, after looking at these pics you won't be any more.
Also here's some more of my stash - I've taken to hiding it all over the house....
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Saturday, 17 November 2007
Friday, 16 November 2007
Stash secrets
Thursday, 15 November 2007
Frosty, frosty garden
I've been busy today uploading some holiday photos on to Flickr as I'm visiting my family over the weekend & it will save me taking my laptop - here they are. There's not too many as you can only upload 100MB for free.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
An ordinary day
However, I am going to mention two things that I think are noteworthy. The first is just how much I love the changes of the seasons - the different light at this time of year, the high, think clouds that give the day a 'fuzzy' feeling and the shorter days. Obviously, I will get bored of the shorter days very quickly, so don't remind me about this in February!!
Also I heard about this on the radio today. I really believe that if everyone does their bit that we can change the world for the better although I try really hard not to get on my high horse about it, some times I do. This isn't one of those times (really). The Disc Drive campaign is easy to do & although I'm not great at donating to children's charities, young carers are one cause I will help. I think everyone could probably go through their Cds & DVDs & find one or two that they no longer watch or listen to - go for broke, it's nearly Xmas & you'll probably get some new ones for Xmas!!
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Xbox update
First, I have to wait for postage labels, then I have to arrange for the courier to pick it up & then wait 15 (!) working days to get it back!! I'll be lucky to have it back by Christmas!
I am soooooooo frustrated about it as I really do love playing on it - Halo 3, Oblivion, Gears of War, you name it I'll try it. I think I need to take a couple of deep breaths & go back to the game sites I know & have loved before they were usurped by the 360, namely jay is & kewl box. I know I can easily waste my life away on the Xbox but I can just as easily waste it away on PC games as well. I'm starting to feel a bit calmer about it all but I may start to stress about it when I haven't been able to kill a few Brutes for a while....
Back to the weekend & we went to see 30 Days of Night - I really enjoyed it. It's dark, brutal & the vampires are weird looking & speak their own language.
Monday, 12 November 2007
Red ring of death
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Stitch n' Bitch Day UK
We listened to Jane Waller talk about this book & although she has given the patterns all in wool, I think loads of them are lovely & could easily be substituted for more modern, soft yarns.
It was a great day & fabulous to see so many people knitting & chatting about knitting - more please next year & even better, a Bristol S n' B Day - watch this space!!
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Darn it!
Friday, 9 November 2007
Lazy Blogging - Kitty Cats
Spilt time
Who knows?
Anyway, this weekend is fairly busy, which is quite unusual as I like to take it easy at the weekends & find time to play on Xbox Live. But we're off to the Watershed tonight to see In The Shadow Of The Moon, which I think will be great on the bog screen.
And then tomorrow I'm off to London with some of the Knit Chicks to see Amy Stoller! I am very excited about this as I don't think she comes to the UK often. We're going to the I Knit event, so more about that on Sunday as I'll be back late tomorrow - don't worry I'm sure I'll blog something to stay up to date with NaNoBloMo!!
And then on Sunday, 30 Days of Night is calling - Josh Hartlett fighting vampires - how can it get any better!! And shopping for a wedding outfit & looking at new kitchens - phew, what a weekend.
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Knit Chicks
My favourite thing to knit is socks as I find them fairly straight forward, quick-ish and easy to carry around. I think I've knitted about 5 pairs and have a couple of odd socks that have stories attached - maybe that's for later in the month!
Anyway, as I enjoy knitting so much I am obviously a member of a knitting group, well, I run the Bristol Knit Chicks, I always feel a bit embarassed to say that as I don't feel like I do very much to run the group but I suppose I send out emails remniders and organise knitting in the wild in the summer, so I get to be the person in charge. I also manage our 2 (!) websites, this one & the Knit Chicks one, which I set up if people wanted to post pictures of their finished objects.
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
Blogging in the wild
I'm not going to write anything else as I'd rather be knitting & chatting or stitching & bitching, whichever takes your fancy.
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Phew - busy day
You Are A Vampire |
![]() And you're not afraid to walk alone in life, if it means getting what you truly crave. You truly enjoy entrancing people. Not to mention the ensuing pleasures of the flesh. Your tastes have been called decadent and bizarre. You usually give in to your temptations, no matter how primal Your greatest power: Your flawless ability to seduce and charm Your greatest weakness: Human flesh You play well with: Werewolves |
Try the quiz here
Monday, 5 November 2007
Guy Fawkes Night
The gunpowder, treason and plot,
I know of no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.”
Sunday, 4 November 2007

Saturday, 3 November 2007
Busy, busy
Like I said earlier in the week, I seem to be having a 'spring clean' and tidying and de-cluttering each room slowly. Today I decided to get the curtains and blind for these 2 rooms and went to Ikea.
Now you may think that this would be hell on earth on a Saturday but I was very prepared, having looked at the catalogue and chosen what I wanted, and then I was very focussed when I was in there. I could tell there where a lot of people there who thought it would be a good idea 'just to have a look'. They were shilly-shallying around, very slowly, not really looking at anything and I'm sure they'll all spend loads on the useless things that Ikea can tempt you with - I know I've been there!!
In the end I bought a pair of plain curtains for the middle room, a white blind for my office and a light (mine's got black plant prints on) for the living room to encourage me to keep the table tidy.
So, I'm very pleased with that. I managed to get rid of about 25 old cookery books as well that I have never used.
Friday, 2 November 2007
Free Rice
So, here it is, in all it's glory in the wild. The pattern was a free one from Get Knitted with the Kidsilk Haze to make it . It may have been 1 or 2 balls, it was a while ago & the colour is discontinued now.
Check out that lovely frill - I think that's my favourite bit of the scarf!!