Sunday, 4 November 2007


Ravelry, Ravelry, I finally got my Ravelry! (you have to imagine that to the tune of Happiness)

I got my Ravelry invite today!! This is me !! I am SO excited & ran round the house clapping & shouting & then had to explain to my husband what it meant. Obviously, he wasn't excited. I haven't spent any time on it yet as I'm too busy this evening but I will be there properly soon.

In the meantime, here's some more evidence that I do actually knit - my Clapotis. The yarn was Lorna's Laces Lion & Lamb in George Town, a beautiful pale blue, turquoise and lilac colour way.

My husband bought the yarn for my birthday & then I wore it on holiday to Rome & someone actually asked me if it was a Clapotis & whether I had made it myself - that made my holiday!

In fact, here's a picture of me wearing it in Rome as well.

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